Tplink Archer Dual Band router

Step1: Connect your pc to the router via a LAN ethernet cable (yellow socket) If on wifi sit next to the router.

Step2: Open your web browser and got to or in your web browser address bar at the top of the page,(NOT the search bar), you should be redirected to the TPlink screen, If not then please check your cable. Chrome, IE, and Firefox all work fine for this. Safari can encounter issues bringing up the login screen.

Step3: Login With Username: admin and Password: admin (all lower case)

Step4: Click Network in the left hand menu then WAN just below it.

Step5: On the page itself, Click the drop down menu and select PPPOE, Here you enter your PPPOE username and password as issued on your welcome email, Leave all other settings as default and click save at the bottom of the page and reboot your router as instructed and wait 1 min.

Step6: Search your wifi signals for the TPlink signal ( TPlink-xxxx

Step7: Enter the wireless pin when requested by your wifi device.


Tplink Archer EC225-G5 Aginet

Step1: Connect your pc to the router via a LAN ethernet cable (yellow socket) If on wifi sit next to the router.

Step2: Open your web browser and got to in your web browser address bar at the top of the page,(NOT the search bar), you should be redirected to the TPlink screen, If not then please check your cable. Chrome, IE, and Firefox all work fine for this. Safari can encounter issues bringing up the login screen.

Step3: Create admin Password: admin123 (all lower case)

Step4: Click London time zone > Next.

Step5: select PPPOE > next.

Step6: Here you enter your PPPOE username and password as issued on your welcome email, Leave all other settings as default and click Next.

Step7: This page will show your wifi network settings, Leave default unless you want to change the wifi name and password. > Next

Step7: your router will try and connect if sucsessful you will be then connected

Step8: The final page asks you if you would liek to setup a Tplink cloud managment account if you want.

If you have any issues please check all pppoe and sip ID details are correct before callingĀ 0115 8718379