Door Sales Broadband Package choiceSelect package choicei-fibre Home 100M £29.99 pcm £99.99 Installi-fibre Home 250M £49.99 pcm £99.99 Installi-fibre Home 500M £59.99 pcm £99.99 Installi-fibre Home 1000M £69.99 pcm £99.99 Installi-fibre Biz Superlite 50:1 100M/50M £95.00+vati-fibre Biz Superlite 50:1 200M/50M £125.00+vati-fibre Biz lite 5:1 100M £145.00+vati-fibre Biz lite 5:1 200M £185.00+vati-fibre Biz lite 5:1 500M £345.00+vati-fibre Biz Bright 1:1 100M £245.00+vati-fibre Biz Bright 1:1 500M £285.00+vati-fibre Biz Bright 1:1 1000M £445.00+vatContract Term12 Months24 Months36 monthsStep 1 - Enter customers postcodeEnter your postcode below Only if you have sent a coverage check request and you have received a confirmation reply that we can deliver superfast wireless broadband in your area.Postcode* Step 2 - Confirm your locationBecause of the way our broadband works, we need to make sure your location is in a suitable location. Use the map below to place the pin exactly on your home, so our engineers can make sure everything is okay prior to installation. Step 3 - Your customers detailsPlease enter customer contact details.Customers First name*Customers Surname*Customers Phone number*Customers Email address* Installation Address 1*Installation Address 2Installation City*Installation Postcode*VOIP Telephone lineI would like to add a VOIP phone to my orderNoneVOIP Line new number £6.00 setup £35.00VOIP Line Port my number £6.00 Setup £60.00Business VOIP Extension £7.00 Setup £65.00Step 3 - Your reseller detailsSales Agent Name*Agent Offers50% off first month50% off Install only on packages over £29.99VOIP telephone £1 pcm first 12 monthsRouterFree Dual Band RouterNova MW3 100M Mesh kit 3 pack £69.99Nova MW5 1000M Mesh Kit 2 pack £69.99No router customer provideAgents Notes or offers Step 4 - Customer SignaturePlease ask the customer to ticket and sign the boxes below.Customers Signature*Please sign the box belowAgreements* I understand theTerms and Conditions and the Fair Use Policy. will be emailed to me I understand that my service will not be installed until i complete and return the direct debit mandate Direct Debit I confirm that i have 7 days cooling period to cancel this order before installation where my order is full committed